Arte de Sofia

Sofia J. is a young artist child based in the Pakistani Himalayas with her Mother.

She is drawn to paint a Feminine and aspirational world: women of the world, fashions and attires of the world, animals as cognizant and autonomous beings in fantasy worlds, family scenes, natural scenes, homes and cityscapes, jewelry designs and costumes, and snapshots of personal transformation as depicted by sketches.

While fantastic, her characters are sentient and sensible, as if her name, Sofia, meaning Wisdom/Soul, infuses them with her power. ♥️

On this website, you will find her original art, as well as print-on-demand products and other valuables.

In Sofia’s world, art is a way of being, of learning and of expression. Entirely homeschooled and often trained in a community setting and while on field trips with her Mother collecting and studying herbs, and working with jewelry — jewelry and herbs being the works of her artisan-teacher Mother — Sofia has been taught the skills of observation, questioning, play, curiosity, engagement.

The methodology with which Sofia has been taught and also with which she teaches herself (it is a bit of both) is in the process of being turned into a course. Stay tuned, and in addition to buying her art, you can learn more about her method, outlook, and way of life. Salaam! <3